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Tag: Ubuntu

Installing OpenStack CLI Client on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04

By Platform9

Before you install OpenStack CLI, you must install Python and the required compiler packages on Ubuntu. Follow the steps given below to install Python and the required compiler packages. Update… Read More

Neutron prerequisites for Ubuntu

By Platform9

This OpenStack tutorial describes prerequisites to prepare your servers to leverage OpenStack Neutron with Ubuntu. For a general description of Neutron networking concepts, refer to this tutorial: Networking with OpenStack… Read More

Prepare a Ubuntu Server For Platform9 Managed OpenStack

By Platform9

This document describes how to get an Ubuntu Linux physical server ready before you can add it to a Platform9 OpenStack private cloud. Platform9 currently supports Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04…. Read More

Setup Linux Network Bridges on Ubuntu for Nova Networking

By Platform9

If you’re using Platform9 Managed OpenStack with Nova Networking, Platform9 requires that you have configured one or more network bridges in order for it to discover networking for your servers…. Read More

Create an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine Image from Scratch

By Platform9

If you wish to run Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machines on your Platform9 OpenStack cloud today, you have two options to get a Ubuntu 16.04 Image in your image catalog to… Read More

How to prepare an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Image with Cloud-init

By Platform9

Cloud-init has emerged to the be de-facto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance. For more information on cloud-init, refer here: This tutorial describes how to… Read More

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