Elastic Machine Pool

Reclaim 100% of your wasted EKS capacity

Elastic Machine Pool reclaims up to 100% of unused capacity, dynamically allocating resources based on utilization, with zero pod disruption and no changes required to request/limit values.

Platform9 Elastic Machine Pool dashboard shown within a laptop

How Elastic Machine Pool works

Elastic Machine Pool automatically reclaims EKS waste by deploying its own Virtual Machines with over-provisioning and autoscaling on AWS Metal — all from within your AWS account.

A diagram showing the difference of EKS with & without using EMP. EMP deploys an alternate virtualization layer, using AWS bare metal underneath, creating “Elastic VMs” (EVMs), that look and feel exactly like regular EC2 VMs

Over-provisioning in EKS

A diagram titled "EKS with EMP" shows an EKS cluser of pods and three EVMs connected to AWS Bare Metal
  • Around 2007, enterprises struggled with eliminating waste on physical servers. VMware addressed this by over-provisioning.
  • Over-provisioning is a proven technology that automatically assigns more resources to virtual machines than available physical resources.
  • EMP enables over-provisioning in EKS by replacing EC2 instances with Elastic VMs (EVMs) running on AWS Metal.
  • EMP and EVMs run entirely within AWS and are fully compatible with EKS and other services like EBS, EFS, VPC etc

EMP scales and rebalances your workloads automatically

  • EMP has built-in cluster autoscaler which dynamically manages AWS Metal instances and the EVMs.
  • By monitoring EVM resource utilization, EMP automatically scales AWS Metal instances, up or down.
  • EMP dynamically provisions EVMs based on Kubernetes scheduling requests.
  • Labels are used to schedule pods to EVM-based node groups.
A diagram showing how EMP rebalances resources in real-time

Zero pod disruption

 Our Live Migration technology moves EVMs between AWS metal nodes with zero pod disruption

A diagram showing the pod distribution and how Platform9's "Live Migration" technology moves EVMs between AWS metal nodes with zero pod disruption

EMP enhances Karpenter, Kubecost and more

Outcomes EMP Karpenter CloudHealth Cloudability CloudZero Kubecost
Improve resource efficiency using over-provisioning Check / Yes
Scale workloads without pod disruption Check / Yes
Eliminate constant Requests and Limits updates Check / Yes
Optimize usage via bin packing Check / Yes Check / Yes
Cost visibility Check / Yes Check / Yes Check / Yes Check / Yes Check / Yes
Resource tagging Check / Yes Check / Yes Check / Yes
Cost allocation Check / Yes Check / Yes Check / Yes Check / Yes

Achieve over 70% utilization using EMP

EMP’s unique approach reclaims EKS waste, delivering the highest utilization possible.

A diagram of charts showing utilization before & after EMP (Elastic Machine Pool) and how utilization with EMP increases from 17% to 70% "allocated and used"

EMP technical demo

Watch this video for a full demonstration of EMP’s over provisioning, autoscaling, and live migration without pod disruption on AWS bare metal.

Explore on your own for free

An illustration showing a laptop calculating the high cost of an EKS bill

Ready to start your FinOps journey with EMP?

An icon of a cloud with an upward pointing arrow

Getting Started

Jump start your Kubernetes FinOps journey. Learn how to create your first Elastic Machine Pool (EMP) instance and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers for your technical, architectural, business, integration related questions.

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Additional Resources

A graphic of a technically-advanced computing environment showing devices connected to a concept of the "cloud"

Run EKS workloads on 50% fewer nodes with Elastic Machine Pool

A video preview graphic with two speaker photos and the heading "Run EKS workloads on 50% fewer nodes with Elastic Machine Pool"

Understanding Elastic Machine Pool

The preview image for the EKS Cost Optimization Guide resource shows a collage of a monetary concept over a technology background

EKS Cost Optimization Guide – steps to optimize costs with EKS

A collage graphic depicting the concept of "Kubernetes FinOps" showing Kubernetes and financial imagery connected via the "cloud"

Kubernetes FinOps: Right-sizing Kubernetes workloads

Book a meeting to validate if EMP is right for you

Meet with our founders (CTO and VP of Product) who built this product and solution experts to jointly explore the following areas:
  • Your current EKS infrastructure footprint, use cases, and workload characteristics.
  • Your organization’s Kubernetes efficiency goals.
  • Your EKS cluster CPU and memory utilization metrics.
  • How EMP can be used in your environment to achieve your desired outcomes, with a deeper dive into technical considerations such as networking, storage, performance, etc.
  • See the EMP product in action, including integration with EKS, cost-saving, and utilization dashboards.

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