Installing OpenStack CLI Client on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04

Before you install OpenStack CLI, you must install Python and the required compiler packages on Ubuntu.

Follow the steps given below to install Python and the required compiler packages.

  1. Update the list of available packages.
    apt-get -y update
  2. Install GNU compiler library (GCC), Python, and the dependent libraries.
    apt-get -y install gcc libffi-dev libssl-dev python python-dev python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Install OpenStack CLI

Follow the steps given below to install OpenStack CLI on a Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 16.04 host.

  1. Load virtualenv variables.
    source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/
  2. Create a virtual environment.
    mkvirtualenv os_cli
  3. Upgrade pip to the latest version.
    pip install pip --upgrade
  4. Run following command to set up OpenStack CLI.
    pip install --upgrade --requirement --constraint

OpenStack CLI is successfully installed, and ready to be used on the Ubuntu host.

Note: When the instance storage is not shared between the source host and the destination host, block migration must be used. This type of migration can be slower, since it copies data and requires that both hosts have compatible CPU architectures. If you want to perform a block migration, use a python-openstackclient release version higher than python-openstackclient release version 3.2.1. Use the following command to upgrade the release version of your python-openstackclient to the newton-eol version.
[bash]pip install –upgrade git+[/bash]

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