News Coverage

October 4, 2018

Dev Class Platform9 takes etcdadm Kubernetes cluster tool open source

Platform9 has open sourced its etcdadm tool, answering the prayers of anyone who’s ever said to themselves, “I could really do with a command line interface to manage Kubernetes clusters”.

October 3, 2018

Container Journal News Tip: Platform9 Open-Sources etcdadm, Enabling the Kubernetes Community to Easily Create and Manage Secure etcd Clusters, Anywhere

The open source tool, inspired by kubeadm, is the first to provide the Kubernetes community a simple command-line experience to deploy and manage secure etcd clusters anywhere – on-premises or in the cloud – with built-in support for recovery and scalability

October 2, 2018

SDxCentral Platform9 Open Sources Its Kubernetes Etcd Support Tool

Platform9 pushed its etcdadm support tool out into the open source community via GitHub in an effort to generate momentum behind automating the configuration, deployment, and management of etcd clusters used by Kubernetes to store control plane information. Those tasks are currently either part of more broadly-focused efforts put on the shoulders of a Kubernetes user, or cobbled together by developers.

October 2, 2018

Silicon Angle Platform9 adds another open-source tool to the Kubernetes ecosystem

Etcdadm serves two other functions besides making it easier to deploy etcd clusters, including providing a recovery option from an existing backup in the event of data loss or other errors. It also helps to scale operations by making it simple to add or remove nodes to an etcd cluster.

October 2, 2018

SD Times SD Times news digest: Oracle Autonomous NoSQL Database, Hugo and Atlassian partnership, and etcdadm

Platform9 has announced a new open-source project called etcdadm, which is a command-line tool that lets users easily configure, install, and operate secure etcd clusters that run anywhere. Etcd is a key component in the Kubernetes stack because it stores the state of a Kubernetes cluster, including node and workload information.

September 26, 2018

Diginomica Cloud-agnostic container platforms – it’s all to play for

A survey of attendees at the 2017 KubeCon found significant fractions of the respondents running Kubernetes on a mix of on-premise infrastructure and the three mega-clouds.

September 25, 2018

JAXenter A tour of cloud computing: “Every enterprise should run on hybrid cloud”

“Kubernetes will be the de facto standard across data centers within a couple of years.”

September 6, 2018

Container Journal Platform9 Adds Kubernetes Cost Controls

Platform9 CEO Sirish Raghuram says an Arbitrage capability added to the Platform9 Managed Kubernetes service can now continuously monitor Spot and standard EC2 instances to determine where the most cost-effective location is for a Kubernetes cluster based on the service level agreements (SLAs) established.

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