File System Resize Issues with Scientific Linux 6.x – Cloud-init 0.7.4

This article describes the process to prepare your Scientific Linux virtual machine image, for file system resize to work.

NOTE: This process has been testing with Scientific Linux version 6.6. If you are experiencing issues with file system resize for a different version of Scientific Linux, please contact

In order for file system resize to work with OpenStack, you need single partition setup. No LVM

To prepare the image follow these steps:

Step 1 – (If not configured already) Add EPEL repository to the set of configured repositories.

Step 2 – Install cloud-utils, cloud-init and dracut-modules-growroot packages

[code lang=”bash”]yum install -y cloud-utils cloud-init dracut-modules-growroot[/code]

Step 3 – Rebuild the Operating System Kernel Image

First backup the kernel image

[code lang=”bash”]cp /boot/initramfs-`uname -r`.img /boot/initramfs-`uname -r`.img.bak[/code]

Then rebuild the image

[code lang=”bash”]dracut -f[/code]

Step 4 – Copy VM Image to Platform9 Image Catalog

At this point, the VM Image is ready. Power off the VM. Copy the VM Image to imagelibrary data directory on the host that’s assigned Image Library role.

Upon creating an instance with this image, the growroot function kicks in during startup and grows to root volume to size of disk allocated.

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