Rancher Installed Kubernetes Managed Kubernetes

What makes Rancher any different from many other software tools that can install Kubernetes – such as kubeadm, kube-spray, et al? 

Rancher is just another Kubernetes installer.  Like other installers, Rancher requires YOU to do the real work of ongoing maintenance, configuration, upgrades and troubleshooting of the Kubernetes platform.  What exactly are you paying Rancher for?

Unlike Rancher, Managed Kubernetes is fundamentally different.  Managed Kubernetes greatly reduces the operational burden of running Kubernetes with a SaaS management plane augmented by amazing customer support.

Juniper Networks

Rancher doesn’t manage Kubernetes, ‘you’ have to!



You still need to dedicate Ops staff bandwidth

Are you able to spare bandwidth from the specialized experts needed to run production clusters at scale?

You pay high support and consulting fees.

Consulting hours and higher support tiers costs can rack up quickly.

You need to troubleshoot and call support.

You are responsible for identifying the root cause, submitting Rancher support tickets, and then waiting for a response. How will you ensure your uptime and SLAs?

When you scale it all gets worse.

You will also need more tools, hire more people, and pay more support fee

Get to market faster

Ravi Ravichandran, VP DevOps & Cloud Operations

Juniper Networks
“To get our products to market quickly, the last thing we needed to worry about was running Kubernetes 24x7; manage, maintain, and upgrade. Platform9 solved that problem for us with their SLA-backed managed service.”

Platform9 offloads the burden of staffing and day-2 operations.

SaaS Managed > Installed

Software tools like Rancher are installed and managed by the customer. Their management plane works with the local infrastructure only. Platform9’s SaaS management is in the cloud and is managed by Platform9. This eliminates the user operational overhead and also the need for a management plane in every infrastructure location.

Platform9 includes K8s plus 100% managed add-ons

Much of the pain of Kubernetes is that it’s not turn-key, it doesn’t include all the pieces to get up and running fast. Platform9 integrates, tests, packages, and delivers CNCF add-ons with 99.9% SLA. Just consume, not manage everything you need for production:   Monitoring, Logging, Ingress, Flannel, Calico, Multus, OVS, and much more.

Platform9 is SaaS software plus certified expertise

You get a fully-managed white-glove experience from initial PoC and go-live onboarding, to scaling in production and beyond. Our dedicated Technical Account Managers and Solution Architects work with you as an extension of your team helping with design, architecture, integration, customization,  and proactive troubleshooting & support 24/7/365

SaaS Managed

SaaS Managed > Managed

Rancher must be installed by you, operteated by you, and when it fails, fixed by you. And you haven’t even built a cluster.

Platform9 is 100% SaaS with built in remote monitoring and self-healing for your managed clusters

Fully Managed CNCF Apps

Platform9 includes K8s plus 100% managed add-ons

Much of the pain of Kubernetes is that its not turn-key, it doesn’t inlcude all the pieces to get up and running fast. Platform9 delivers a complete Kubernetes stack with fully managed CNCF apps and plugins.

Platform9 integrates, tests, packages, and delivers CNCF add-ons with SLA Built-in Monitoring, Logging, Ingress Extensive networking options: Flannel, Calico, Multus, OVS

Experts that Extend Your Team

Platform9 is People plus Software

and our certified experts act an extension to your team

Dedicated Technical Account Managers and Solution Architects Monitoring stack customized for your needs Proactive troubleshooting & support 24/7/365

When your cluster fails at 2 am, We Fix It – proactively.



When a failure is detected our platform automatically attempts to restart services and auto repair issues.


Partnering with your team, our CKA and architects work with you 24/7/365 to proactively resolve issues.
Monitor Process


Remote monitoring of your nodes, clusters and critical Kubernetes failures such as “CrashLoopBackoff”


Over 50 built in alerts that notify Platf0rm9 support and your team.

Not all managed Kubernetes are made equal

Offering Platform9 Enterprise Rancher
Management Plane SaaS Install On-Prem or Hosted
Air-gapped / On-prem Platform Checked Checked
On-prem and Cloud Checked Checked
Managed Kubernetes Checked X
Managed KubeVirt Checked X
Managed Metal3 Checked X
5G Ready Networking Checked X
Managed Upgrades Checked X
Managed Security patching Checked X
Remote Cluster monitoring Checked X
Logging Checked X
Proactive troubleshooting and issue resolution Checked X
Best Practice Guidance Checked Extra Cost
Deployment Review Checked Extra Cost
Design Assistance Checked Extra Cost
Migration Assistance Checked Extra Cost
Performance Tuning Checked Extra Cost
Technology Recommendation Checked Extra Cost
Datacenter Integrations Checked Extra Cost
A comparative study of Rancher and Platform9: Enterprise Kubernetes Solutions

Comparison Guide

A Comparative Study of Platform9 and Rancher

We have developed a detailed technical comparison of Platform9 and Rancher across 17 categories including:

  • Provisioning of Kubernetes Clusters
  • High Availability and Healing
  • Deployment Models Supported
  • Prerequisites and Operating System Requirements

Free cloud native consultation

All insights, no risks

Additional Resources

Case Study

AI startup Norna keeps fashion retailers ahead of the competition with Kubernetes-as-a-service


Kubernetes: Do It Yourself (DIY) or Do IT Together (DOT)?


Kubernetes Deployment and Operations: Calculating your True Costs

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