Platform9 Kubernetes Academy

Kubernetes Academy Level 101:
Jupyter Notebooks & Tensorflow

July 28, 2022, 11 AM PDT

Platform9 Kubernetes
This Kubernetes Academy session is a 60-minute, 101-level session.  It is recommended that you are familiar with Kubernetes, or have taken the “0-to-Kubernetes – 101-level” session.

In this session, we will walk you through the process of creating a Kubernetes environment, and deploying Jupyter Notebooks with Tensorflow.


Key Concepts

  • Kubernetes benefits for Machine learning
  • Deploy a cluster on Platform9’s Managed Kubernetes Free Tier
  • Configure cluster storage with the CSI Hostpath driver
  • Deploy a Jupyter notebook in your Kubernetes cluster
  • Run “Hello, world” with your Jupyter notebook

Exercises/ Labs

  • Attendees are encouraged to participate hands-on with their own Kubernetes environment

About Your Hosts

Mike Petersen

Mike Petersen

Technical Marketing Engineer, Platform9

Mike has over a decade’s worth of experience in the Linux and cloud technologies ecosystem.  Mike loves developing howtos, guides and videos that help users leverage the power of cloud-native technologies.
Matt Roark

Matt Roark

Principal Cloud Support Engineer, Platform9

Matt Roark is a Principal Cloud Support Engineer at Platform9. He has extensive experience working to support and orchestrate infrastructure at scale with both bare-metal and virtualized. Certified in OpenStack and Kubernetes – virtual machine and container orchestration – with a most recent obtainment of the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) designation. He is intimately familiar with Python/Golang (coding) and supporter of open-source technologies.

Register for this 101 Session

Recommended for ML engineers who are interested in learning to use Kubernetes as a scalable, portable platform for model training, inference and serving.

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