Platform9 Kubernetes Academy

Kubernetes Academy Level 101:
Enterprise Grade Virtualization with KVM & KubeVirt

July 12, 2022, 11 AM PDT

Platform9 Kubernetes
This Kubernetes Academy session is a 60-minute, 101-level session.  No prior Kubernetes experience is required, nor do you need a PhD in Linux. 

In this session, we will guide you through the key capabilities available to run Virtual Machine workloads on the KVM hypervisor with Kubernetes (specifically, KubeVirt). 

A follow-up level 201 session will be available to cover advanced virtualization topics such as DPDK, SRIOV, CPU Pinning, Huge Pages, vTPM, NUMA and GPU Passthrough.


Key Concepts

  • Introduction to the KVM hypervisor
  • Getting started the easy way: boot your physical machine with a “batteries included” OS image
  • Manage the physical machine with Platform9 with pf9ctl
  • Configure KubeVirt to enable KVM management
  • Deploying a sample VM: Windows or Linux image
  • VM storage: ephemeral disks vs persistent disks
  • VM customization: cloud-init, empty disks, host disks, data volumes
  • Integrating with storage systems
  • VM networking: virtual NICs, IP assignment, applying network policy
  • VM resource provisioning: CPU & memory
  • VM workflow: importing, copying and snapshotting images
  • Live migrating virtual machines
  • Audit and event log for virtual machine history

Exercises/ Labs

  • Attendees are encouraged to participate with hands-on their own Kubernetes environment
  • Take home exercise: Experiment with multiple hypervisors
  • Take home exercise: Experiment with multiple guest Operating systems

About Your Hosts

Chris Paap

Chris Paap

Product Manager, Edge & Virtualization

Chris Paap is Product Manager for Edge & Virtualization at Platform9.  In this capacity, Chris works with customers, solutions architects, support, and product engineering to grow the use of KubeVirt.  Before Platform9, Chris worked at Nutanix and Solarwinds; and also ran a large Virtualization environment as an IT Manager.
Matt Roark

Matt Roark

Principal Cloud Support Engineer, Platform9

Matt Roark is a Principal Cloud Support Engineer at Platform9. He has extensive experience working to support and orchestrate infrastructure at scale with both bare-metal and virtualized. Certified in OpenStack and Kubernetes – virtual machine and container orchestration – with a most recent obtainment of the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) designation. He is intimately familiar with Python/Golang (coding) and supporter of open-source technologies.

Register for this 101 Session

Recommended for DevOps & IT admins who are interested in managing virtual machine workloads with open-source KVM hypervisor and Kubernetes.

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