Platform9 Blog:

Tag: Containers

Best practices and anti-patterns for containerized deployments

By Platform9

Kubernetes is easily the most transformational cloud technology available today. It is the de facto standard for container orchestration, essentially functioning as an operating system for cloud-native applications. With its built-in high… Read More

Containers as a Service (CaaS) Solutions Offer Greater Agility, Portability and Simplicity Benefits Over PaaS For Hybrid Cloud Deployments

By Platform9

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions point in appealing conceptual directions. But are Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) solutions actually better for delivering the agile development workflow, simplicity and no-kinks workload portability that hybrid cloud deployments… Read More

Containerizing OpenStack Rally to create Benchmarking as a Service

By Kaustubh Phatak

What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking is the process of measuring performance of a software system. Benchmarking provides capacity analysis and helps determine the best tool for a specific use case. OpenStack… Read More

Kubernetes vs Mesos + Marathon

By Platform9

In this updated blog post we’ll compare Kubernetes with the Mesos + Marathon container orchestration solution. We’ll walk you through a high-level discussion of Kubernetes and Mesos with Marathon, look… Read More

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

By Platform9

In this updated blog post we’ll compare Kubernetes (versions 1.5.0 and later) with Docker Swarm, also referred to as Docker Engine running in Swarm mode (versions 1.12.0 and later). Overview… Read More

Container Namespaces – Deep Dive into Container Networking

By Platform9

Of late, there have been various Open source projects to manage networking for containers. Docker implemented “libnetwork“. I’ve written in the past about using Calico with Docker containers. Debugging and low… Read More

Docker Takes a Page from the Internet Explorer Playbook

By Sirish Raghuram

In the late 90s, I had a short-sighted reaction to Microsoft bundling Internet Explorer with the Windows OS. While the technology world grappled with the legalities, ethics and impact to… Read More

Public Cloud vs Private Cloud: Six Key Insights

By Sirish Raghuram

Last week, I joined the Platform9 team at the Amazon re:Invent conference in Las Vegas. It was exciting to be a part of the premier industry conference for cloud infrastructure… Read More

Vote for Platform9 Proposed Talks at the Tokyo OpenStack Summit

By Platform9

The Tokyo OpenStack Summit is only three months away and the process to choose the various talks and workshops that will be given at the Summit has begun. For the Vancouver… Read More

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