Trying to Scale Kubernetes yourself on-premises?
Whether you are using Kubernetes distributions (OpenShift, Rancher etc) or upstream Open Source versions, you are taking on the operational burden of managing Kubernetes yourself. While this offers you lots of flexibility and customizability, it can get onerous once you enter production.
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Case Study
See How Platform9 is helping Juniper Networks Scale Kubernetes On-premises
With Platform9, they were able to deploy and scale into production in a few weeks and leverage Platform9’s remote SaaS service to manage, maintain, and upgrade their K8s clusters.
Using Public Clouds to Run Kubernetes?
Public clouds offer operational simplicity and time to value. However, you lose flexibility and customizability and the ability to run Kubernetes on your own infrastructure in a hybrid or multi-cloud environment
Definitive Lock-in Guide
Read this guide to understand cloud lock-in risks and how to mitigate them
Platform9 helps you unlock the full potential of Kubernetes in a modern hybrid- or multi-cloud environment by making it practical to leverage Kubernetes as cloud abstraction layers without becoming dependent on proprietary public clouds
What can Platform9 Managed Kubernetes do for you?
Fast, Frictionless, and Maintenance-Free
Platform9 Managed Kubernetes offers an extremely easy-to-use platform to run Kubernetes clusters. By delivering Kubernetes as a true SaaS managed service, Platform9 Managed Kubernetes makes every aspect of cluster management and integration easy – on-premises or in public clouds.
Deploy a Cluster Instantly
Focus on Your Apps - We’ll Manage Your Cluster
PMK remotely monitors your clusters 24/7, auto-troubleshoots and repairs them, allowing you to run apps hassle free
Integrate With Your Existing Tools
Schedule a 30 minute call and see how Platform9 can help you
Platform9’s Managed Kubernetes offering is designed to help you run Kubernetes at scale without the manual burden of upgrades, patching, monitoring & other Day 2 activities. Our SaaS Management Plane is the brain at the center of our Managed Kubernetes platform. It remotely monitors, optimizes, and heals your clusters and underlying infrastructure
Want to learn more about how Platform9 is better?
Useful resources to help make your decision easier
Kubernetes Buyer’s Guide
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How to avoid lock-in with proprietary public cloud or software stacks
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White Paper
Why SaaS management is the future
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