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Category: Kubernetes Planning

Managing Kubernetes Resource Limits: Kubernetes Capacity Planning

By Platform9

Capacity planning is a critical step in successfully building and deploying a stable and cost-effective infrastructure. The need for proper resource planning is amplified within a Kubernetes cluster, as it… Read More

7 Simple Kubernetes Performance Optimization Tips

By Platform9

Kubernetes is a complex tool. As is the case with most complex tools, getting optimal performance out of Kubernetes can be tricky. Most Kubernetes distributions don’t come fine-tuned to maximize… Read More

Kata Containers, Docker and Kubernetes: How They All Fit Together

By Platform9

By now, virtually everyone has heard of Docker containers. But you may still be unfamiliar with Kata, an open-source container project launched in December of 2017. Kata emerged at a… Read More

Kubernetes infrastructure cost optimization

By Platform9

Enterprise Kubernetes costs can vary considerably. Depending on whether you decide to host your clusters on the public cloud services – such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service… Read More

Kubernetes Logging: Comparing Fluentd vs. Logstash

By Platform9

Logging is an important part of the observability and operations requirements for any large-scale, distributed system. With Kubernetes being such a system, and with the growth of microservices applications, logging… Read More

Kubernetes Federation: What it is and how to set it up

By Platform9

There are several SaaS and open-source solutions that have the capability to manage multiple, disparate Kubernetes clusters – regardless of the specific distribution or what hosted offering is in play… Read More

6 Ways Kubernetes Simplifies Multi-Cloud Management

By Platform9

A multi-cloud strategy is hard. Fortunately, Kubernetes makes it easier. In several respects, Kubernetes helps to solve or work around the most pressing pain points within a multi-cloud architecture. Let’s… Read More

Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy Best Practices

By Platform9

In a simpler world, all Kubernetes deployments would host just a single tenant — meaning only one workload or application runs on the entire Kubernetes environment. In the real world,… Read More

Kubernetes in the Enterprise – Chapter 7: What You Need to Know About Platform9 Managed Kubernetes

By Platform9

Platform9 Managed Kubernetes Platform9 Managed Kubernetes (PMK) is the industry’s only SaaSbased, continuously managed Kubernetes service that guarantees 24x7x365 SLA and works across any infrastructure: on-premisesdata centers, public clouds, and… Read More

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