OpenStack Murano Application Catalog Overview

What is OpenStack Murano

Murano Key Concepts

Murano provides an application catalog service that enables end users to easily deploy applications. Internally, Murano uses the Heat orchestration service to manage the application resources. Administrators can use Heat Orchestration Templates to create application packages and import them into Murano.


A Murano package consists of the following 3 parts:

  • A template for creating application resources
  • An application logo
  • Application metadata (e.g. ownership, author, categories, tags)


A Murano environment is a container for applications. This can be used to logically separate sets of apps.


A Murano application is a deployed package. It will be part of a Murano environment and have an associated Heat stack.

Creating A New Murano Application

Step 1 – Prepare the application template

The template will start with a version that corresponds to an OpenStack release. Since Platform9 is currently on Liberty, the following version should be used.

[code lang=”yaml”]heat_template_version: 2015-10-15[/code]

Next comes the application description.
[code lang=”yaml”]description: >
The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development
effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and
freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.[/code]

The application may accept parameters that the user will specify when deploying. If a default is specified for a parameter, a placeholder will be shown to the end user when deploying the package from the UI.

Also, in order for the UI to show dropdowns for OpenStack resources (e.g. images), a custom constraint can be added. For more details on the template specification, check out the OpenStack documentation.

[code lang=”yaml”]parameters:
type: string
description: A Linux image with the apt-get or yum commands available
– custom_constraint: glance.image
type: string
description: SSH public key used by the server
– custom_constraint: nova.keypair
type: string
description: flavor used by the server
– custom_constraint: nova.flavor
type: string
description: Network used by the server
– custom_constraint:[/code]

Now we will define the application resources. To keep the template short, the installation script will assume the apt-get command is available on the instance.

[code lang=”yaml”]resources:
type: OS::Nova::Server
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
image: { get_param: image }
key_name: { get_param: key_name }
– network: { get_param: network }
config_drive: true
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: |
apt-get update
apt-get -y install apache2[/code]

Putting it all together gives us the following template:

[code lang=”yaml”]heat_template_version: 2015-10-15

description: >
The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development
effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and
freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.

type: string
description: A Linux image with the apt-get or yum commands available
– custom_constraint: glance.image
type: string
description: SSH public key used by the server
– custom_constraint: nova.keypair
type: string
description: flavor used by the server
– custom_constraint: nova.flavor
type: string
description: Network used by the server
– custom_constraint:

type: OS::Nova::Server
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
image: { get_param: image }
key_name: { get_param: key_name }
– network: { get_param: network }
config_drive: true
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: |
apt-get update
apt-get -y install apache2[/code]

Step 2 – Create and import the application package

Platform9 provides various ways of importing the package. For this step, we will use the Apache HTTP Server Template and the associated Apache HTTP Server Logo.

Option 1 – Direct Input

Click on the “Create New Application” button from the Applications view.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.12.59 PM

Ensure that the “Components” and “Text” buttons are selected. Enter (or paste) the template contents into the text area. Optionally, upload a logo. Then click on “Upload Application”.

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Optionally, edit the metadata and click “Update Application”.

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Option 2 – Template Upload

Click on the “Create New Application” button from the Applications view.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.12.59 PM

Ensure that the “Components” and “File” buttons are selected. Upload the template and, optionally, the logo. Then, click on “Upload Application”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.53.57 PM

Optionally, edit the metadata and click “Update Application”.

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Option 3 – Zip Upload

To install the Murano CLI, see the support article on Installing the OpenStack Clients.

First, create the Zip package using the Murano CLI. The –logo argument is optional.
[bash]murano package-create –template ApacheHttpServer.yaml –logo ApacheHttpServer.png[/bash]

Click on the “Create New Application” button from the Applications view.
Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.12.59 PM

Ensure that the “Zip” button is selected. Upload the Zip file. Then, click on “Upload Application”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 7.12.32 PM

Optionally, edit the metadata and click “Update Application”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.39.43 PM
Option 4 – CLI

To install the Murano CLI, see the support article on Installing the OpenStack Clients.

First, create the Zip package using the Murano CLI. The –logo argument is optional.
[bash]murano package-create –template ApacheHttpServer.yaml –logo ApacheHttpServer.png[/bash]

Then, upload the Zip package
[bash]murano package-import[/bash]

Deploying An Application From Catalog

Option 1 – 1 Click Deploy
Since a Murano application needs to be in an environment, the “1 Click Deploy” button can be used to create and environment and add an application to it.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 3.43.50 PM

After clicking on “1 Click Deploy”, fill out the form and click “Add to Environment”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 3.47.00 PM

This will create an Environment with the same name as the application. The environment should soon be in the “ready” state as shown below.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 3.57.30 PM

Option 2 – Creating and Modifying an Environment
Standalone environments can also be created, and applications can be added or removed as needed.
To create one, click “Create New Environment”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.02.21 PM

Specify a name and click “Create Environment”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.04.08 PM

Now we are ready to add applications to the environment. Click “Add New Application” as shown below.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.05.15 PM

Select the application to add, and click “Next”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.08.25 PM

After filling out the form, click “Add to Environment”.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.09.31 PM

The environment should soon be in the “ready” state as shown below.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.12.12 PM

Individual apps can also be removed by clicking on the trash icon on the application as shown below.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.12.12 PM

Option 3 – CLI

To install the Murano CLI, see the support article on Installing the OpenStack Clients.

First, create an environment.

[bash]murano environment-create SampleEnvironment[/bash]


Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 4.41.22 PM

Now, create a session for the environment using the environment id from above.

[bash]murano environment-session-create d23446e94bf54440b48a97f432982351[/bash]


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In order to add an app to the environment, a JSON patch file that describes changes to the environment will be used. The following template shows the JSON patch structure for adding the application.

“op”: “add”,
“path”: “/-“,
“value”: {
“?”: {
“id”: “===id1===”,
“type”: “”
“name”: “”,
“templateParameters”: {
“flavor”: “”,
“image”: “”,
“key_name”: “”,
“network”: “”

List the packages in order to find the package FQN, which is a unique identifier for a package.

[bash]murano package-list[/bash]


Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 5.07.11 PM

After locating the package to deploy, replace the Package FQN in the JSON patch template. Also, specify an application name and set the templateParameters, which were defined in the Heat template for the package.

“op”: “add”,
“path”: “/-“,
“value”: {
“?”: {
“id”: “===id1===”,
“type”: “io.murano.apps.generated.Apachehttpserver”
“name”: “ApacheApp”,
“templateParameters”: {
“flavor”: “1cpu.1gb.samedisk”,
“image”: “ubuntu-14.04-cloudinit”,
“key_name”: “default”,
“network”: “Network-virbr0”

Assuming the JSON patch file is named apache.json, use the environment and session ids from above to modify the environment.

[bash]murano environment-apps-edit –session-id b5714fd874d94679b227f44623938172 d23446e94bf54440b48a97f432982351 apache.json[/bash]

To apply the changes, the environment needs to be deployed.

[bash]murano environment-deploy –session-id b5714fd874d94679b227f44623938172 d23446e94bf54440b48a97f432982351[/bash]

The environment should soon be in the “ready state”.

[bash]murano environment-show d23446e94bf54440b48a97f432982351[/bash]


Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 7.06.20 PM

To verify the stack state, use the generatedHeatStackName property from above.

[bash]heat stack-show ApacheApp[/bash]

Editing An Existing Application

This feature is coming soon. Meanwhile, an existing package can be downloaded, modified, and re-uploaded.

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