Platform9 at KubeCon 2018: Kubernetes that Just Works!

At last week’s KubeCon conference in Seattle, WA, we had VMblog visit us at the Platform9 booth to learn more about our SaaS-managed enterprise Kubernetes solution.

Platform9 lets you leverage your existing infrastructure – either on public clouds, on-premises or at the edge. You simply plug-in all your environments to our Managed Kubernetes control plane, to benefit from a consistent cloud management experience across all types of infrastructure and applications- including containers, serverless applications, and VMs, too!

We provide pure-play open-source Kubernetes, delivered as a service. This ensures open source innovation, economics, and interoperability, without the management overhead.

Watch this short VMblog video interview with Sirish Raghuram, our co-founder and CEO, to learn more (and also see a cool product demo!):


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