Multi-Region Management (and Multi-Hypervisor Too)

“With Amazon Web Services I can manage multiple regions of distributed infrastructure. Can I do multi-region management with Platform9?”

I get this question a lot, and I’m happy to say the answer is yes!

Today we announced our multi-region management, capabilities that enable and enhance management of distributed resources from a single pane of glass within Platform9 Managed OpenStack.


Our customers are extremely excited about this, and tell us there are three scenarios where it’s particularly useful:

  • Geographically distributed infrastructure with dedicated storage and network infrastructure can be aggregated into the same private cloud. IT benefits from improved visibility into their distributed infrastructure, and can also enable self-service access to end users across sites.


  • For VMware vSphere users, multiple vCenters can be easily managed within a single private cloud platform. Many large enterprise customers deploy several vCenter servers to scale their virtualized infrastructure. All of this infrastructure can be managed by a single OpenStack private cloud, increasing automation and choice while reducing infrastructure costs.
  • Multiple hypervisors can be easily managed within a single private cloud platform.This reduces IT overhead and gives cloud platform users a true single pane across hypervisor platforms. It also enables an easy migration path for VMware vSphere users looking to reduce virtualization licensing costs and mitigate vendor lock-in by moving their second-tier workloads to lower-cost KVM.


I did a sneak preview and demo of multi-region management last week in Austin at Tech Field Day. (If you’re unfamiliar with Tech Field Day, you can learn more about it here. It’s a great resource for IT practitioners learning about virtualization and cloud computing).

Here’s the video of my 10-minute talk on multi-region management, which also highlights how multi-hypervisor management works. The demo shows how easy it is to see and manage distributed environments – plus you get some bonus Q&A from the Tech Field Day participants.

Sirish Raghuram

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