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Integrating External DNS with Kubernetes

By Platform9

Kubernetes contains an internal DNS module that automatically discovers and assigns DNS names to individual containers when instructed. In practice, this works very well and there is room for customization.... Read More

Kicking off your Kubernetes Implementation Project Successfully [Webinar 1 Recap]

By Platform9

It’s one thing to launch a Kubernetes cluster and deploy a Hello World app on it. It’s quite another to evolve that cluster into a production-ready state, and ensure that... Read More

Kubernetes: Do It Yourself (DIY) or Do IT Together (DOT)?

By Platform9

The journey to business agility must travel the road of agile execution. It may be tempting to look at existing software infrastructure and declare it “good enough” for needed business... Read More

6 Key Concepts to Master for a Successful Kubernetes Implementation [Intro to Webinar Series]

By Platform9

People often talk about Kubernetes as if it’s just one tool that is always deployed in a single way. If only! The reality of Kubernetes is that it is much... Read More

How to balance innovation and availability with Kubernetes

By Platform9

In business, stagnation is harmful to the health of a company. Without change, a successful company slowly loses relevance while more daring competitors evolve to provide additional value to their... Read More

How Three Enterprises Implemented OpenStack and Kubernetes

By Platform9

For the past several years, businesses have been inundated with buzzword-laden rhetoric urging them to embrace “digital transformation,” adopt “agile,” “cloud-native” infrastructures and so on. It’s one thing to talk... Read More

5 Pillars for Building Kubernetes into Your Organizational Culture

By Platform9

As we’ve explained previously on this blog, Kubernetes offers a number of benefits for building stronger organizational culture. But leveraging those benefits is not as simple as deploying Kubernetes and... Read More

Kube Culture: How Kubernetes Drives Cultural Change

By Platform9

Much has been written about the technical features and benefits of Kubernetes. Technical advantages, however, are only part of the reason to migrate to Kubernetes. Cultural change is an equally... Read More

How Kubernetes Automates and Streamlines Change Management

By Platform9

Kubernetes wasn’t designed as a change management tool, and you perhaps have never thought about it as being one. Yet in several ways, Kubernetes helps to smooth over the biggest... Read More

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