Why Our Users Dig the SaaS-Managed Model for Hybrid Cloud So Much

SaaS-managed hybrid cloud

In today’s market customers take Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for granted.  It used to be that a customer would have to go to a software vendor and either buy bundled software that they would then bring back to their data center to install, or purchase it from a third-party implementor and have them install it for them. How times have changed in the era of managed services. Today, we EXPECT SaaS. And with good reason.

Revolutionizing the Enterprise Data Center with a SaaS Approach

SaaS experience was the corner stone of what we do – from day 1.

Platform9 is the industry’s only turn-key SaaS-managed solution that enables IT Ops in large enterprises to “bring their own infrastructure” and be up and running within minutes. Essentially, we bring the capabilities of the public cloud leaders to complex, hybrid environments. This enables IT Ops to drive digital transformation in their organization – rather than being the nay sayers, struggling to keep up with the business demands.

Platform9 offers of a self-service, simple, unified experience for managing infrastructure across ANY environment and ANY technology stack –– spanning on premises data centers, bare metal, Private and Public Clouds, Containers, Serverless, and more.

We not only allow your developers to provision on-demand, but we also take the pain out of managing large-scale environments — with deployments, monitoring, maintenance, scaling and disaster recovery – all handled automatically.

We’re proud to have revolutionize how IT manages their data centers today. By providing a truly unified cloud experience – with a single UI, single pane of glass, shared visibility and on-demand experience across the board – we allow IT to enable developers, streamline operations and reduce data center costs and complexity.

There’s more:

Our focus on SaaS capabilities doesn’t stop at the product itself and the experience our users get with managing their environments. Thanks to our reliance on self-service capabilities and automation, we’ve expanded this SaaS approach to two additional unique aspects of Software-as-a-Service: Customer Success and Customer Support. 

Let’s see how these capabilities give our users even more peace of mind managing mission-critical enterprise workloads.

We have your back – 24/7!

24/7 SaaS management and support for your IT Infrastructure

Customer Success at Platform9 brings a lot of added benefits to our users, beyond your view of traditional Support. We bring a unique combination of:

  1. Subject matter experts in the areas of managed OpenStack, managed Kubernetes, and Serverless applications. 
  2. Knowhow of optimizing operations at scale: We see a LOT of deployments, across a wide range of customers, each with their unique complex set up and challenges.
  3. We manage your infrastructure like the public cloud operators manage theirs: relying on state of the art monitoring, automation, self-healing, auto scaling and HA capabilities all built-in to the platform and our backend system – supporting massive scale.

Being Proactive with Customer Success:

Our technical experts have your back! We augment your knowledge internally, and are here to guide you, ensure everything runs smoothly, and help you optimize your infrastructure utilization and IT efficiency.

We’re invested in your success and are here for you – from the simplest tasks to the most complex operations. It can take the form of hand-holding and training your team on best practices for different infrastructure types and use cases, through a white gloved on-boarding experience, as well as regular QBRs to analyze how your usage and ways you can improve your experience, infrastructure utilization and gain extra benefits. Our Customer Success Managers are able to proactively work with customers to plan and scale their environment to meet future needs, address any Production issues or new requirements, and much, much more.

Seamless Support: We fix it, before you even know something is off

With Platform9’s SaaS model, we have fundamentally transformed our customers’ support experience. Unlike the older way of providing support that has always been reactive – addressing issues in an on-going daily fire-drill, causing disruptions to your teams and business operations – our way is different.

By combining our expertise and experience accumulated over such a large user base, with the self-service capabilities of our own management backend that monitor all our users’ environments – we are able to proactively identify and resolve any issues with no disruption of service, and no need for your team to get involved.

We automatically identify possible bottlenecks, availability issues, performance degradation, and more; we notify the customer, collect logs, trouble shoot the issue, as well as make changes on the customer’s environment – all without impacting any of your users. Our ability to resolve issues proactively, quickly, and be resilient and self-healing is what enables us to deliver 24/7 guaranteed SLAs.

World-Class Customer Success Transforms Enterprise Success

With Platform9’s unique SaaS-based operating model, the Customer Success and Customer Support teams have delivered hundreds of upgrades for our customers with no business interruptions or management overhead, across three-hundred-plus regions, while maintaining customer satisfaction ratings of 99% or higher. To rate so high really underscores the value we’re delivering to our customers.

We’re your partner in this, and we’re here for you, 24/7.

Getting Started with Platform9’s SaaS-Managed Hybrid Cloud Platform

Platform9 makes it easy to run hybrid clouds across any infrastructure, using leading open source cloud frameworks. Platform9 delivers OpenStack and Kubernetes as SaaS-Managed solutions that offer instant time to value, require zero maintenance, and easily integrate with all of Cloud environments.

Unlike other enterprise cloud management solutions that require heavy investment in professional services and custom integrations, and that lock customers into proprietary solutions or cloud environments, Platform9 allow enterprises to focus on deploying mission critical applications with lower overhead costs and higher availability.


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