Platform9 1.5 Release Notes

Platform9 Release 1.5 features several feature enhancements and bug fixes. Salient features of this release include:

Multi-Region Support

Platform9 now supports the ability to have multiple regions, managed as a single pane of glass in the UI.


Learn more about this feature here.

Cinder Enhancements

Platform9 now allows the use of multiple storage backends with Cinder. We have also added ability to associate one or more Cinder Volume Types with a storage backend. This allows for creation of multiple Storage Tiers in your environment.

Volume Type SolidFire-Volume

Volume Type SolidFire-Volume schedules all volume creation to SolidFire appliances.

You can learn more about these enhancements here.

vSphere: Ability to snapshot an instance directly to a vSphere Template

Taking a snapshot of a Virtual Machine instance no longer creates a vmdk and uploads to a datastore. It is now cloned to a new vSphere template as a full clone. These templates can then be used as regular glance images for VM provisioning.
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vSphere: Better support for HTTP proxies

Really excited that we have now made using an HTTP proxy much smoother with vSphere. The gateway appliance is now automatically configured to have the yum package manager use the configured proxy during deployment, causing future upgrades and installs to work without any additional configuration.

vSphere: Pre-built Ubuntu and CentOS images

Our Linux/KVM customers really appreciated pre-built Ubuntu and CentOS images; they are now available for vSphere customers too. These images have cloud-init pre-installed, making it easy for you to customize instance creation.
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More information available here.

Support for VxLAN / GRE

Platform9 now supports the ability to use VxLAN or GRE based tunneling with your Neutron deployments!
Learn more about how to set this up in the following articles:
Neutron with Tunneling
Neutron with Tunneling & VLAN

Enhanced IP Discovery on KVM environments

Platform9 now allows for an enhanced version of IP discovery for VM instances deployed within KVM environments. This mode is not enabled by default, so if you have had issues with getting IP addresses auto-discovered for your VMs, please contact us to enable this for you!

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