Kubernetes Fortnight

CI/CD Pipeline Best Practices and Principles

Kubernetes Fortnight : CI/CD

Host: Jeremy Miller, Solutions Architect at Platform9

Day two challenges for PF9 Managed Kubernetes customer SREs typically entail implementing a process for Development teams to begin testing and deploying their applications into the new K8s environments. Instead of granting this access directly to development teams, SREs can utilize a CI/CD pipeline with very narrowly scoped access to handle deployments on dev teams behalf.

In this session we provided an overview of CI/CD pipeline best practices and a demo:

  • Covering how to utilize a standard “commodity” Jenkins CI server to create a Continuous Delivery pipeline.

  • Utilizing Github Actions to automatically bump the Semantic versions of the application and container(s).

  • Enjoying continuous, automated deployments into Development or Staging PMK Clusters.

  • Keeping track of all application K8s manifest version changes with git commit SHA resource annotations.

  • Source control triggered, one-step deterministic application promotions from Staging to Production PMK Clusters.

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