Kubernetes Academy

Kubernetes 101: 0 – K8s in 60 Minutes

Kubernetes 101: 0 – K8s in 60 Minutes

In this 60-minute Kubernetes 101 course, we deploy a healthy K8s cluster using Platform9 Managed Kubernetes, implement monitoring using Grafana and Prometheus, manage automatic upgrades, explore CI/CD integration capabilities, RBAC, and introduce our newest capability, ArgoCD.


  • A

Key Concepts

  • Introduction
  • Deploy a cluster on Platform9’s Managed Kubernetes
  • Implement monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Manage Automatic upgrades
  • Explore CI/CD integration capabilities
  • RBAC
  • Introduce ArgoCD

Exercises/ Labs

  • Review prerequisites
  • Exercise: Create and manage flavors
  • Deploy a cluster

About Your Hosts

Mike Riggs

Mike Riggs

Solutions Architect, Platform9

Mike has worked with a variety of technologies over his career including: networking, virtualization technologies, BI/analytics, Kubernetes, Telecom solutions, and more. He has experience helping Enterprise customers adopt new technologies to help increase efficiencies, increase developer productivity, and to help drive down costs.
Matt Roark

Matt Roark

Principal Cloud Support Engineer, Platform9

Matt Roark is a Principal Cloud Support Engineer at Platform9. He has extensive experience working to support and orchestrate infrastructure at scale with both bare-metal and virtualized. Certified in OpenStack and Kubernetes – virtual machine and container orchestration – with a most recent obtainment of the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) designation. He is intimately familiar with Python/Golang (coding) and supporter of open-source technologies.

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