
Demystifying Kubernetes Monitoring

As enterprises move from OpenStack into the new world of Kubernetes, monitoring infrastructure becomes increasingly important. In the old world of servers and virtual machines, people were used to monitoring monolithic applications, where they would look at services on an individual server.  As you refactor those applications into microservices in a Kubernetes world, a different mindset on how enterprises monitor various services is required.

With Kubernetes you’re no longer concerned about whether or not your application is constantly up and running at the infrastructure level, but rather, you’re monitoring at the application level. The underlying need to monitor disk space, CPU and memory on the individual nodes, and to make sure they’re available still remains. Monitoring in Kubernetes requires looking at expanding your cluster when out of capacity and leveraging platforms like Iaas Cloud to programmatically expand that layer, and eliminate the need for you to have to stand up another physical server to maintain optimum performance.

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