Platform9 Systems Achieves Key Milestone in Security with Successful Completion of SOC 2 Audit

SAN JOSE, Calif.— Platform9, the leader in helping enterprises with a better way to go cloud native, today announced the successful completion of the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 audit in line with the rigorous standards set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

This achievement underscores Platform9’s unwavering commitment to maintaining rigorous information security standards in its operations and services.

The audit was conducted by Prescient Assurance, a leader in security and compliance certifications for B2B and SAAS companies worldwide.

An unqualified opinion on a SOC 2 audit report demonstrates to PLATFORM9 SYSTEMS, INC.’s current and future customers that they manage their data with the highest standard of security and compliance.

“With the successful completion of the SOC 2 audit, our customers and partners can feel even more confident in our company processes and governance as well as in our platform’s security and privacy capabilities,” said Ron Haberman, VP Customer Operations at Platform9. “The SOC 2 opinion is about the product as well as the organization. It examines preparation for business continuity, security and policies. SOC 2 marks an essential step in our journey towards continuous improvement and excellence in security and compliance standards.”

This achievement is particularly important for companies in the technology sector, where the security and privacy of client data are paramount. Compliance with SOC 2 assures clients that Platform9 adheres to best practices in handling and securing data, a critical aspect in today’s cloud-first environment.

Platform9 partnered with Trustero to achieve SOC 2 compliance in record time of 60 days. Trustero accelerated the journey by providing step-by-step guidance for active compliance, using automation and AI to support the specific SOC 2 frameworks policies and controls.

“It takes an organized and motivated team to move this quickly and efficiently,” said Philip Liu, CEO, Trustero. “We’re proud to be Platform9’s partner in their journey to achieving this milestone and look forward to our continued partnership.”

Platform9 will continue to focus on delivering high-quality, secure cloud solutions, and this achievement marks a significant milestone in its commitment to excellence in security and compliance.

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