News Coverage

November 2, 2018

Container Journal Platform9 Extends Serverless Framework for Kubernetes

Platform9 has extended the open source serverless computing framework it developed for Kubernetes clusters to include a range of additional capabilities intended to make the serverless framework more accessible within the context of a DevOps environment.

October 31, 2018 Taking Your Legacy to the Cloud w/ Sirish Raghuram, Platform9

In this video chat Sirish Raghuram talks about how you can take your legacy infrastructure to the cloud – no matter if it is on VMWare, Containers, serverless or something else.

October 31, 2018

AppDynamics Blog How to Build Hybrid Cloud Confidence

Software complexity has grown dramatically over the past decade, and enterprises are looking to hybrid cloud technologies to help power their applications and critical DevOps pipelines. But with so many moving pieces, how can you gain confidence in your hybrid cloud investment?

October 24, 2018

Forbes Five Signs Winter Is Coming For Enterprise Cloud (And How To Prepare)

In HBO’s hit series Game of Thrones, the mythical seven kingdoms are preparing for winter brought on by a force of zombie-like creatures called “White Walkers.” The phrase “winter is coming” is repeated throughout the course of the series, foreshadowing perils that lie ahead. With the changing seasons upon us, let’s consider what challenges are in store for enterprise cloud, and how to best prepare for the winter that is coming for software delivery and operations.

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October 22, 2018

DevOps Digest Platform9 Announces New Release of

Platform9 announced a new release of – an open source, Kubernetes-native Serverless framework – with new features enabling developers and IT Operations to improve the quality and reliability of serverless applications.

October 19, 2018

JaxEnter How Kubernetes transforms your business

Kubernetes has emerged as the defacto standard in enabling IT to build out digital architectures to deliver on their business goals, and it is now a “must have” for whatever your organization’s level of digital maturity is. In this article, Vamsi Chemitiganti talks about the five fundamental business capabilities that Kubernetes can drive in the enterprise.

October 18, 2018

Intellyx Platform9: Adding Fission Serverless Kubernetes to its SaaS-Managed Hybrid Cloud

The problem Fission solves: even though Kubernetes has matured substantially in the last few years, it is still difficult to install, configure, and manage, especially for developers who’d rather be spending their time developing.

October 17, 2018

Linux Magazin (in German) Etcdadm delivers Etcd clusters for Kubernetes

Der Cloudanbieter Platform 9 veröffentlicht das Tool „etcdadm“ unter der Apache-2.0-Lizenz. Das Kommandozeilentool liefert Etcd-Cluster aus und entspringt dem kommerziellen „Managed Kubernetes“-Angebot der Firma.

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