Platform9 VMware General Availability 1.0.0 Release Notes

What’s New!

VNC Console Access to Instances

From this release, users can access an instance using the VNC console tab provided with each instance’s Info view. Care must be taken to ensure that the ESX hosts have been setup to enable VNC access according to the support article here:

Enable VNC on VMware Deployments

Access and Security View
Users can also use the new “Access and Security” view to locate relevant information about SSH keys, as well as API endpoints.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

This release also features bug-fixes and optimizations including:

  • Performance improvements for discovering and reporting cluster statistics
  • Improved support for discovering instances with IPv6 addresses
  • Ability to discover instances without any disks

Known Issues

Here’s a list of known issues we are actively working on:

  • Bug #3526 – When vCenter username or password contains a single quote (‘), double quote (“), or dollar sign (‘$’), authentication fails.
    Workaround – Do not use these characters in the username or password used for authenticating to vCenter.
  • Bug #3560 – When deploying the Platform9 VMware Gateway appliance, assigning a static IP occasionally causes appliance deployment to fail.
    Workaround – Deploy the appliance without any static IP, and manually configure the static IP on the appliance after deployment.
  • Bug #2585 – When a cluster with disconnected / offline / maintenance mode hosts is chosen, it causes environment discovery to fail.
    Workaround – Do not authorize clusters with unavailable hosts; only choose clusters with live hosts for management under Platform9.
  • vSphere Datastore clusters are currently not supported.
  • Bug #3064 – When using vmdk’s, user cannot create an instance with a flavor having the same disk size as the image virtual size.
    Corresponding OpenStack bug:
    VMware: Sparse glance vmdk’s size property is mistaken for capacity
    Workaround – Use a flavor with disk size greater than the image virtual size, or use the “0 disk size” flavor.

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