Platform9 1.0.0 General Availability Release Notes

Whats New!

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Tutorial

Now you can leverage multi-factor authentication for login. Each individual account can be enabled or disabled to use multi-factor authentication. A variety of virtual MFA clients works with Platform9’s MFA implementation including Google Authenticator, DUO security and Authy.

Host Aggregates and Tag based placement Tutorial

Now you can group hosts into ‘Host Aggregates’ and apply tags to them. Create flavors with tags and use them to direct placement to certain host-aggregates. This is a powerful feature to enable system administrator to enable hosts to tenant mapping or provide placement based on capabilities of hosts.

Flavor to Tenant assignment Tutorial

You can now create specific flavors and assign them to specific tenant, along with adding tags to the flavors. The tags in flavors are matched against the ones on the Host Aggregate, creating a powerful combination to direct instance placement for specific tenant to specific hosts.

SSH Key injection

Each user can create add its own SSH key pair(s) and use that when creating Instances, the instances are injected with SSH key pair (linux only) and can be used for SSH access.

Custom Script injection

With this release we are also enabling enhanced cloud-init support (though it is still experimental due to 1606 below) where you can insert custom scripts to be executed at boot time of the instance.

Known Issues

A list of important shortcomings that would be fixed in coming releases.

1634: UI notification causes the hosts discovery to take longer
Due to a bug in the notification layer, UI takes longer to refresh the page when hosts are in discovery mode.

1627: Ubuntu & CentOS shows different ‘cores’ for the same physical hardware
On the Hosts detail page, for the same hardware Ubuntu shows less number of cores as compared to fedora based system.

1606: Sometimes Cloud-Init doesn’t assign static IP address
When using cloud-init (custom script injection) and static IP address pool, we observed that 1 in 10 instance boots, VM is not assigned a static IP address. A reboot fixes the issue, we are working on a fix to cloud-init.

1565: On Ubuntu IP tables rules are not persistent
On Ubuntu hosts where ImageLibrary is assigned the installation opens up specific ports for the image library, but is not marked persistent. It is recommended that we install the necessary packages like iptables-persistent.

1485: Placement of view is not optimized in case of a boot storm
When a bunch of VMs are created at the same time, some of the VMs are created on the same host instead of spreading out among hosts.

1302: Cannot change owner (user) of instance when quota usage is at maximum
When quota usage of a user is at maximum even a change in ownership of a VM from one user of the same tenant to another is not allowed and results in error.

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