Platform9 1.0.0 Beta2 Release notes

Whats New

Multi-Tenancy Support

You can now leverage the multi-tenancy feature with Platform9 by creating one or more ‘tenants.’ The default tenant is called the ‘service’ tenant. This is the tenant you will log into by default when your Platform9 account is created. This is also the tenant where all of your existing virtual machine that are discovered by Platform9 live.

With the new functionality added, you can now go to User Management and create new tenants. When creating a new tenant, you can specify quotas for CPU, memory and storage. You can also specify what subset of networks the tenant should have access to. Any virtual machine created within the tenant will only be created on the servers that have access to those networks.

Change Ownership Of Discovered Virtual Machines

With support for multi-tenancy, we think it’s important that you can distribute your existing discovered virtual machine across different tenants and assign them to different users. This functionality is now supported. In the Instances View, you can select “Change Owner” as one of the supported actions.

Known Issues

A list of known issues that will be fixed as part of the next update.

  • 1304: Reassigning discovered VMs leads to incorrect quota usage information.
    When ‘disocvered’ VMs are moved from source tenant to destination tenant the quota usage information on the source tenant shows incorrect value till there
  • 1369: Switching tenants doesn’t refresh images tab
    If you are on the Image page and change tenant, the image list is not refreshed.
  • 1367: Removing yourself from a tenant, leaves ‘Edit Tenant’ dialog box open
    Once a user removes himself from a given tenant, the ‘Edit Tenant’ box that is used to
    remove the user from the tenant is not dismissed.
  • 1302: Cannot change owner (user) of instance when quota usage is at maximum
    When quota usage of a user is at maximum even a change in ownership of a VM from one user of the same tenant to another is not allowed and results in error.
  • 1300: When user is forced to logout, sometime the UI continues to show ‘401 Unauthorized’ notifications
    When the session expires or the user is forced to logout, sometimes the UI shows ‘401 unauthorized’ error on the right hand bottom.
  • 1237: User count in user tab and tenants tab don’t match
    On the Users navigation on the left, the user and corresponding tenant tab count of users don’t match

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