Installing OpenStack CLI Client on Docker
You can run the required OpenStack commands directly on a Docker Container. For this, you must download the OpenStack CLI Docker container.
Note: You must first install Docker on the host, to be able to run OpenStack commands in a Docker container. Refer to for information on Docker installation.
Follow the steps given below to download the OpenStack CLI for Docker.
- Download the OpenStack RC file from the Clarity UI, and save it as openstack.rc.
- Convert the file to a usable Docker environment file.
[bash linenum=”false”]# BSD sed (i.e., macOS)
sed -i ” -E “s/(^export |[\”‘])//g” openstack.rc# GNU sed (i.e., Linux)
sed –in-place –regexp-extended “s/(^export |[\”‘])//g” openstack.rc[/bash] - Download the OpenStack CLI container.[bash]docker pull platform9/openstack-cli[/bash]
- Run the following command to start the container.
[bash]docker run –env-file openstack.rc -it platform9/openstack-cli[/bash]
You are now ready to run OpenStack CLI commands directly from within a Docker container.