Grade your cloud-native maturity and find out how you can improve

Most companies are at the early stages of the cloud-native journey and can benefit by leveraging knowledge and insight from others to accelerate this mission-critical transformation. Platform9 has spent the past eight years supporting companies like Juniper Networks, Kingfisher, and Redfin in their cloud-native journey, sharing and gathering best practices along the way. Platform9 has built an experience-based cloud-native grader to help accelerate the enterprise’s cloud-native journey.

Being truly cloud-native requires creating dedicated teams and implementing essential practices in the areas of architecture, automation, observability, reliability, and infrastructure. There are cloud-native practices for each of these areas that are in fact quite different from the legacy world.

Here’s a short check-list of best practices used by leading cloud-native companies:

Cloud Native Practices Cheat Sheet

 Platform9 developed an online cloud-native maturity grader which will help you evaluate where you stand benchmarked against your peers and what gaps you need to address to improve your cloud-native maturity

  • Architecture  Are your applications architected to be cloud-native? Are you using Open APIs, stateless service, elastic horizontal & vertical scaling

  • Automation Have you eliminated manual activities in the application delivery process? Are you leveraging continuous delivery, life-cycle management, rapid app deployment

  • Reliability: Do you have full observability and self-healing, policy-driven governance, and SRE practices? Have you established SLA targets for app and infra uptime?

  • Infrastructure: Have you abstracted your infrastructure and built the operational tooling to deliver it as a service?

If executed well with skilled teams, these core practices drive innovation and deliver value faster to your customers and outcomes that your business cares about. Click on the link below to take the assessment (~2 minutes to complete):

Kamesh Pemmaraju

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