Breaking free from legacy: A definitive guide to successful migration from VMware to KubeVirt- Part 3

In Part 2, we noted that migrations are complex, and examined some of the considerations that would be needed to move from VMware to KubeVirt.

Here, in Part 3, we’ll tackle some of the other facets of migrations – specifically networking, validation, and post-migration considerations.

Configuring VM Networking

Networking plays a crucial role in VM migration. You’ll need to ensure that the network configurations of the migrated VMs, now in KubeVirt, match those in VMware to maintain application connectivity.

With Platform9 KubeVirt, advanced networking functionality is easily configured with built-in addons. By leveraging the Multis CNI, Platform9 can deploy KubeVirt VMs with multiple virtual NICs configured with DPDK, SRIOV, OVS, and other built-in features to run your networking processes at line speed. (Customers with VMs requiring low latency and high throughput networking requirements have experienced up to 3x improved networking throughput on Platform9 KubeVirt.) Select the appropriate networking approach based on your enterprise needs and configure the network interfaces and connectivity accordingly.

The network configuration can get complex. You can take advantage of automation and tools like the advanced networking operator, Luigi, which is provided by Platform9 as part of our solution.  Luigi is a Kubernetes operator used by KubeVirt to deploy, manage, and upgrade advanced networking plugins. The advanced networking operator was nicknamed Luigi because it provides the “network plumbing” used to simplify the configuration of advanced technology stacks such as SR-IOV, DPDK, OVS, Multus, Device Plugins, IPVLAN, MacVlan. See more details on how to install it in this Luigi Networking Quickstart guide.

Validating the Migration

After migrating the VMs to KubeVirt, it is critical to validate their functionality and ensure that applications are running smoothly. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Test the migrated VMs by accessing them, verifying network connectivity, and executing critical functions.
  • Monitor the performance of the VMs and identify any performance bottlenecks or issues that may have arisen during the migration process.
  • Use monitoring and observability tools to track resource usage, network traffic, and application performance. If any issues are identified, troubleshoot and resolve them promptly to maintain optimal VM performance.
  • Confirm and Test HA capabilities with Live Migration.

Post-Migration Considerations

Once the migration is complete, there are several post-migration considerations required to ensure ongoing success with KubeVirt.

Optimizing Performance: Fine-tune the performance of your migrated VMs in KubeVirt by optimizing resource allocation, tuning CPU and memory configurations, and configuring storage and networking appropriately. Regularly monitor and analyze performance metrics to identify opportunities for improvement and make adjustments as needed.

Implementing Backup and Disaster Recovery: Establish robust backup and disaster recovery mechanisms for your KubeVirt environment. Consider utilizing Kubernetes-native backup solutions like Trilio, Velero, Kasten K10, or Stash. These tools are designed specifically for Kubernetes environments, including KubeVirt, and offer robust backup and restore capabilities that align with Kubernetes. It’s important to thoroughly test and validate any backup strategies to ensure they meet your data protection requirements and align with your specific use case.

Training and Educating Your Team: Provide comprehensive training to your operations and development teams to familiarize them with KubeVirt concepts. Platform9 expert services provides assistance with implementation and KubeVirt training as part of our handoff to clients.

As you can see, VM migration is about more than just moving the VMs themselves. In part 4, the last in this series, we’ll tackle how you can bring this all together and save as much as 50% off of your current legacy VM costs.

There is no need to wait to find out how you can save, though. Book a call with one of our experts, and Platform9 can give you a personalized TCO consultation so you’ll know exactly how much you can save moving your VMs to KubeVirt.

Kamesh Pemmaraju

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