Series Index
- Webinar 1: Overview & Implementation Outline
- Webinar 2: Kubernetes Networking – Implementer’s Deep Dive
- Webinar 3: Kubernetes Networking: Spotlight – 5G/Telco Edge
- Webinar 4: Storage Best Practices
- Webinar 5: Logging Best Practices
- Webinar 6: Devops and Data Pipelines
- Webinar 7: Automating Kubernetes Operations
- Webinar 8: Top 5 Best Practices & Wrap-up
Who should attend?
Everyone is welcome but you should definitely attend if:
- You are a cloud architect, a DevOps or IT Ops professional, or an SRE (Site Reliability Engineer) or in charge of platform engineering or cloud infrastructure- on-premises, edge, or in a public cloud
- You are responsible for implementing and operating the Kubernetes Life cycle for your organization
- You have a Kubernetes implementation project going on right now or the next 4-6 months
What You’ll Learn
- Actionable intelligence you can use immediately to implement Kubernetes successfully for edge, on-premises and bare metal use cases
- A wide variety of use cases will be covered including; 5G Edge/Telco, Retail Edge, AI analytics in storage, and Containers as a Service
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Kicking off your Kubernetes Implementation Project Successfully
September 16, 2020, 9 AM PDT
Implementing Kubernetes in production successfully is a multi-stage effort that will take careful planning. Join Platform9 as we explore the underlying technologies one must understand, key implementation guidelines and tips, and obstacles to avoid on the road to success.
This webinar will provide key highlights that we will explore in much more depth in the future webinar sessions in the series including:
- The state of the Kubernetes market
- Clients who have journeyed the road to Kubernetes implementation
- In depth advice you can use immediately to plan intelligently

Suresh Somasundaram
Head of 5G Platform and Cloud Engineering at Mavenir

Sirish Raghuram
Co-Founder & CEO, Platform9 Inc.
Webinar 2
Networking in the Brave New World of Containers, An Implementer’s In-depth Guide
October 14, 2020, 9 AM PDT
You have heard much of the value of containerized applications, but you wonder about the networking implications of this emerging world. Join Platform9 and Tigera as we tackle key questions and clear up misconceptions about networking implications for containers.
Three salient areas will be addressed:
- As traffic loads move to the edge, How does one manage distributed Kubernetes in the network?
- How do I choose a CNI based on the network in my datacenter?
- What are the best practices for configuring Calico for my workloads and datacenter policies?
Webinar 3
Networking and Kubernetes in the World of 5G Edge
November 11, 2020, 9 AM PDT
The growth of edge computing and the rise of 5G is driving new models of data distribution and delivery. Data is increasingly being created at the edge and remaining local, enabling applications to be localized close to end users where it is needed. Low latency and high bandwidth applications will run closer to users and devices they operate, e.g. IOT and AR/VR, infotainment, and distance learning. Join Platform9 to discuss:
- 5G Telco Edge use cases
- Implementation best practices
- The implications of Kubernetes implementation in the telco edge on the broader network
Webinar 4
Implementing Kubernetes – Storage Considerations
December 9, 2020, 9 AM PDT
Kubernetes has changed how we manage our applications. It has done the same for storage. In this webinar featuring Platform9’s key partner Portworx, we will discuss how cloud-native storage is different from traditional enterprise storage and what customers need to know when running data-rich applications like databases on Kubernetes.
This webinar will cover:
- The elements of a complete Kubernetes storage stack
- How to optimize Kubernetes storage for a multi-cloud world
- Solving data protection including DR and backup and restore in Kubernetes environments
- Achieving consistent storage operations across on-premises, edge and cloud
To illustrate important storage implementation guidelines across locations, we will provide a valuable use case illustrating AI analytics in storage with specific implications for edge locations.
Webinar 5
Logging in Kubernetes
January 13, 2021, 9 AM PDT
While Kubernetes makes it easy to manage large-scale containerized applications, it also introduces new challenges due to it’s ephemeral and dynamic/ temporary nature. One of the main challenges is how to process and centralize Kubernetes logs as a key part of an overall Kubernetes management strategy. In this webinar you’ll learn:
- The complete implementation process for logging in Kubernetes
- Best practices you should follow
- A comprehensive Kubernetes observability demo with logs, metrics, aggregating logs for clusters, and other key features
- Description of the best logging tools you should be aware of
Webinar 6
Devops and Data pipelines at scale
February 10, 2021, 9 AM PDT
As Kubernetes implementations grow, a natural question to ask is how data management of workloads is best handled. Two perspectives are important – those of customers and data structure providers. In this webinar Platform9 and special guest Lucidworks will investigate:
- The most important technical issues surrounding data management at scale
- How data management is a key cornerstone of your Kubernetes implementation strategy
- Effective implementation of both data and storage management at scale and the implications for the CI/CD lifecycle
Webinar 7
Maintaining Kubernetes for Optimal System Performance
March 10, 2021, 9 AM PDT
Once implemented, Kubernetes must be maintained and optimized to function most efficiently. Specifically upgrades, patching and continuously guaranteeing the availability of clusters are all functions that must be performed consistently. Attend this insightful webinar featuring retailer Kingfisher as we explore:
- How Kubernetes operations can be automated and simplified
- How to minimize Operations and SRE teams time investment and keep systems running at their peak
- An Edge retail use case, illustrating how to achieve worry free maintenance, troubleshooting and system optimization
Webinar 8
The top 5 Best Practices in the Container Adoption Lifecycle – Why the Life-cycle of Kubernetes Matters
April 14, 2021, 9 AM PDT
Containers hold the promise to revolutionize application time to market, manageability and impact. This session summarizes key findings from the series and provides valuable conclusions and implementation advice. We will address a thorough game plan for container and Kubernetes adoption and follow 5 rules for success:
- Understand what KPIs you should use and track
- Start with a small project
- Learn and build on success
- Spread implementation best practices to other parts of the organization
- Recognize and overcome barriers to success