Platform9 2.1 Release Notes

Platform9 Release 2.1 comes with a slew of new features, and enhancements, including:

1. Support for Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) in Neutron

This upgrade adds the ability to use distributed virtual routing with your Platform9 Neutron-enabled setups! This provides significant performance gains over the traditional network-node based routers deployed earlier.

Read more about this here.

2. Better support for vSphere templates in VMware

Platform9 based OpenStack VMware deployments already had support for discovering vSphere templates, and deploying instances from these discovered templates. This release augments this functionality with the ability to download existing vSphere templates as OVAs, as well as uploading these OVAs as vSphere templates.

More details about this feature can be found here

3. Murano enabled via API only

Platform9 deployments now also include the Murano API in the backend. This means that users can exercise with Murano API, with integrated UI support coming soon!

4. Support for Single-Sign-On with ADFS

ADFS integration has been another key ask from our customers, and we are enabling this with the current release! You can now import your existing ADFS-based users directly into your Platform9 OpenStack private cloud!

Further details on ADFS integration can be found here.

5. Bug fixes and product improvements

This release also contains a number of performance optimizations and bug-fixes that should result in a better user experience for your Platform9 cloud platform!

Known Issues:

KVM redhat 6.x specific (centos/sl)

With the old versions of glibc-common package, there is a known issue with using nova-compute for filesystem data injection during instance creation. This will not fail the instance creation operation, but data injection will not be successful on such hosts. This is because nova-compute service relies on the guestfs library which tries to read the /usr/sbin/tzdata-update file on the host which in older glibc-common packages had read permission only for root user.


To resolve this issue, we grant read access to this host file as part of hypervisor role authorization on hosts with operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

For Centos 6.x hosts, the latest glibc-common package (version 2.12-1.192.el6) from Centos 6.8 package repository already has this fix, but if you don’t have the latest version, please make sure that you retain the read permission on this file for all users.

For Scientific Linux 6.x hosts, the fix in glibc-common package has not yet been made available to the sl 6.x package repository and hence if you update this package on the host outside of Platform9, please reset the file permissions to allow read access to all users.

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