Platform9 named a Strong Performer In

The Forrester Wave™: MultiCloud Container Development Platforms, Q3 2020

We are proud that Forrester Research Inc has named Platform9 a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: MultiCloud Container Development Platforms, Q3 2020 report.

The report provides a comprehensive look at the current state of the containers market and how eight select vendors scored in 29 criteria across three categories: current offering, strategy, and market presence.

Platform9 received the highest possible score in the following criteria:

  • Operator experience
  • Control plane configuration
  • Cluster lifecycle operations
  • Logging and monitoring
  • Edge computing support
  • Container networking

The Forrester report cites:

“Platform9 Systems delivers cloud-native technologies with SaaS simplicity…Platform9 is a good fit for firms looking to offload all container operations as they expand cloud-native use cases.”

Forrester’s evaluation showed that we have improved our position in the last two years:

“Since we last evaluated this market in 2018, Platform9 has significantly improved its position thanks to rapid innovation, strong customer acquisition, and the expansion of use cases, particularly among retail, media, and telecom companies”

Download your copy of The Forrester Wave™ to learn more about this fast-evolving market, key players, and why Platform9 was named a Strong Performer with a detailed description of the SaaS management experience, how Platform9 offloads complex operations, and how it delivers Kubernetes at the edge out-of-the-box.


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